National Coalition for Aviation and Space Education

NCASE Conferences

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SEEC 24th Annual Space Exploration Educators ConferenceSEEC

DATE:  February 1-3, 2018

LOCATION:  Houston, TX

Deadline for participating as a NCASE member organization:  January 15, 2018. 

The Crew at Space Center Houston, in partnership with NCASE, invites members to the 24th annual Space Exploration Educators Conference (SEEC).  NCASE has secured 2 exhibit booths for members sharing your programs and products through demonstrations and providing hand-outs for over 500 K-12 teachers. In addition, NCASE will have a 90-minute seminar.

Both exhibiting and presenting will be at the conference registration fee of $325. Deadline for participating as an NCASE member organization:  January 15, 2018. NCASE members unable to attend have the opportunity to do so ‘virtually’ through our new program called ‘YouthWINGs’! If you would like to attend in-person or virtually, email:

We will distribute NCASE member program brochures or flyers, up to 500.

Ship To: Space Center Houston, Attn: SEEC – NCASE/J.Rice, 1601 NASA PKWY, Houston, TX 77058. 

Hotels located near the conference range from the Holiday Inn @ $89 and up. You won’t want to miss this value added benefit for all members! If you are not a NCASE member, visit: For further information about SEEC visit:


NSTA 66th Annual Conference on Science Educationnsta-logo

DATE:  March 15-18, 2018

LOCATION:  Atlanta, GA

Deadline to submit a contract to participate in the Pavilion: December 15, 2017. 

NCASE members will have the opportunity for participating in the Air & Space Education Pavilion NSTA’s 66th National Conference on Science Education. NSTA has more than 55,000 members with 9,000 –12,000 attendees at their conference.

Venue: Georgia World Congress Center, 285 Andrew Young International Blvd NW, Atlanta, GA 30313

Goal: Generate attendee interest, awareness, and engagement with top-notch Aviation and Aerospace education resources.

Opportunity:  In coordination with NCASE, NSTA has set aside 14 exhibit booths (10x10’s) that will be structured with 7 exhibit booths on each side including a distinguishing aisle carpet color to offset the Pavilion from nearby booths.  Via the exhibit booths, NCASE Members will be able to distribute literature, network with event participants, and generate a list of interested booth visitors via NSTA’s complimentary lead retrieval system for post-event follow-up.

Booth Cost: NCASE has secured a 15% discount for first-time exhibitors participating in the Pavilion. After the discount, a 10x10 corner booth is $2,295 or a 10x10 inline booth is
$2,040. Please note larger booth sizes are available. There are 8 corner booths and 6 inline booths available, though if interest exceeds 14 exhibit spaces, we have the opportunity to expand the Pavilion.
All booths include:

 10' x 10' exhibit space
 3' high side-rail divider/8' back drape
 4 exhibitor badges (also allows attendee-level access to sessions and workshops)
 7" x 44" identification sign
 Company Listing by Name in Preview Program*
 Company Description and Contact information in Final Program*
 Company Description and Contact information on online Interactive Floor Plan
 Company Description and Contact information on Conference App*
 Complimentary Lead-Retrieval Service*
 Aisle signs and Aisle carpeting
 Daily Refreshments

*Must submit contract by the deadline.  

How to Register: Submit your contract online at In the Booth Information section of the Contract, enter "Air & Space Education Pavilion" in the “Near To:” field
Pavilion Location: The Exhibit Floor plan is available online at The pavilion will comprise all booths from 1742-1757.

For complete conference details visit:




Our Guide provides a valuable interactive list of groups showing how you can find the books, videos, and the many other resources they have for you!
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Our newsletters provide a way for you and your organization to share your news with the entire community of aviation and aerospace educators.  See what everyone is doing!
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The aerospace and aviation industry offers a multitude of challenging careers for pilots, engineers, scientists, mechanics, teachers, researchers, designers and other professionals.
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Here is a list of award opportunities, with information provided by our Members.  Contact each Member directly with your questions or interests in their awards.  Full contact information is in our NCASE GUIDE.  Now accepting nominations for the Strickler and Crown Circle Awards.  Deadline October 15, 2019.
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