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Civil Air Patrol

Civil Air Patrol can assist you! Cadets and senior CAP members provide a wealth of talent you can draw upon for many different projects and events.
Special Events
- Having an Open House/Airshow? Call the Civil Air Patrol to conduct your air show survey.
- Need assistance directing traffic, giving directions, handing out flyers or manning booths during your open house celebration? Call the Civil Air Patrol.
Exercise Manpower
- Having an exercise and need people to play wounded or casualties? Call the Civil Air Patrol.
Operations Support
- Need to complete a low-level route survey? Call the Civil Air Patrol. They can also help out with support for airfield photography.
- Need to survey a crash site or environmental problem at your base? Call the Civil Air Patrol.
- Need a backup communication source for your base disaster/reconstitution and recovery plan? The Civil Air Patrol can help.
- Problems with ELTs sending a signal from your flight-line/base? Contact the Civil Air Patrol.
Community Ambassadors
- Wondering who to call in the local community to help get the word out about a base project or initiative? Call the Civil Air Patrol.
"Your efforts in the Civil Air Patrol reflect the commitment to voluntary community service that will be essential to solving our nation's most pressing social problems. By reaching out to those in need, you are setting an outstanding example for your fellow Americans. I commend you for your generosity and concern for others."
Former President George Bush
Air Power Advocates
- Looking for speakers for local school activities or civic groups? Call the Civil Air Patrol.
Drill & Ceremony
- Need an honor guard or drill team for a local event or ceremony? Call the Civil Air Patrol.
Education Force Multipliers
- Develop closer ties with local schools by helping them sponsor aerospace education workshops.
Education Programs
- Civil Air Patrol flight and academic scholarships are available for deserving young people at your installation.
- Civil Air Patrol cadet programs provide Air Force recruiters with a pool of quality young men and women who have shown an interest in aviation. Close communications between U.S. Air Force recruiters and CAP units pay big dividends.
What You Can Do!
- For more than 60 years, the Civil Air Patrol and the U.S. Air Force have worked closely together contributing to the welfare of the nation. This partnership, founded in Public Law 557, authorizes the U.S. Air Force to provide resources and equipment to support the Civil Air Patrol missions.
- Street: 105 South Hansell Street
- Postcode: 36112-6332
- City: Maxwell AFB
- State: AL
- Telephone: 800-FLY-2338
- Website: