National Association of Rocketry

The National Association of Rocketry Supports Learning
The NAR is all about safety, fun and learning with model rockets. NAR was created in 1957 to use sport rocketry as a tool for teaching the next generation of scientists and it continues this mission today. NAR members nationwide are adults and students that build and launch rockets with their communities. “The journey into space begins with a model rocket.”
Launch Student Learning with NAR Educational Materials!
If you’re a teacher, the NAR can help engage and energize your students with our educational resources and 45+ years of model rocket expertise. Check out our Educator CD at Sign up for our e-mail education newsletter, which is full of great model rocket resources.
Participate in the Team - America Rocketry Challenge (TARC)
TARC is an aerospace design and engineering event for teams of US school students (7th through 12th grades) run by the NAR and the Aerospace Industries Association (AIA). Teams can be sponsored by schools or by non-profit youth organizations such as Scouts, 4-H, or Civil Air Patrol. The goal of TARC is to motivate students to pursue aerospace as an exciting career field. The event involves designing and building a model rocket that carries a raw egg for precise flight duration and predetermined altitude and then returns the egg to earth unbroken. Visit
Robert L. Cannon - Education Grants
The NAR offers support to teachers who use rocketry in their classrooms via our Robert L. Cannon Education Grant program. You’re eligible to apply for grants if you currently hold a teaching certificate, have a model rocket activity in place at your school, and you’re willing to write an article about that experience for our magazine, Sport Rocketry. Please download an application for a Cannon
Education Grant at
NAR Student Scholarships
The NAR has scholarships available annually to student applicants who must be a NAR member in good standing, between the ages of 17 and 22, who is planning to attend, or is currently enrolled in a college, university or technical school. Please download our complete instructions and application form for an NAR Scholarship at
- Street: Box 407
- Postcode: 52302-9998
- City: Marion
- State: IA
- Telephone: 800-262-4872
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