U.S. Ultralight Association

A new era of air sports aviation is taking hold in America and all over the world. Many of us are flying for fun with ultralight airplanes, trikes, powered parachutes, some experimental/homebuilt aircraft, and many other types of ultralights (sometimes spelled ultralite) and microlights (sometimes spelled microlite). This area of aviation, sport aviation, is where air sports inventors have created parawings, powered hang gliders and paragliders, and many other aviation devices which are un-usual, un-conventional, and un- believably fun to fly. Pilots and enthusiasts have developed many ultralight/microlight clubs, airfields and local ultralight organizations which the United States Ultralight Association can help you locate.
It's the magic of simple, pure flight with the wind in your face and an unobstructed view of the country side makes flying for fun a powerful and compelling experience. As more and more people are introduced to the joys and fulfillment of personal aviation, it is not surprising that the United States Ultralight Association (USUA) is the largest ultralight association in the world.
Clear Goals, Efficient Service
USUA was formed in 1985 by a group of experienced veteran ultralighters for ultralight pilots, owners and enthusiasts. It is without question there has always been a fundamental need for a dedicated representative organization that the public, government, and ultralighters could turn to. From humble beginnings, ultralighters have created their own association to represent themselves consistent with, and similar to, other air sport groups and recreational disciplines.
Headquartered in Frederick, Maryland (not far from Washington, DC), the Association is efficiently managed by a core group of leaders, pioneers, and most importantly, ultralight pilots who share a commitment to protect ultralighter's rights and privileges so that you may continue to enjoy what you like best flying for fun! USUA continues to expand its active leadership role nationally and internationally by promoting, protecting and representing the interests of its 14,000 members and over 100 affiliated Clubs. Working with federal, regional and local government agencies, USUA has helped find solutions for many ultralight-related issues including airport and airspace access as well as pilot and public education.
USUA's full-time office staff provides information, programs, services, resources and support to members, the public and a number of government agencies here and abroad. During the past year USUA received more than 4,000 telephone calls, 1,500 faxes, 13,000 letters (excluding junk mail) and 3,000 Website requests.
The heart of USUA lies in its members. These men and women recognize the value of an independent not-for-profit corporation with clearly stated goals to promote, protect and represent ultralight and microlight aviation. USUA receives no advertising money and is in debt to no one. No other organization controls or directs its activities.
USUA's strength comes from its understanding of those who enjoy outdoor recreational sports, particularly those who participate in air sports. This is translated through USUA programs, services, activity and accomplishments that highlight USUA's ultralight and microlight aviation leadership role both nationally and internationally.
USUA members own and fly all types of ultralights including trikes, powered parachutes and paragliders, gyroplanes, hang gliders, airplanes, balloons and sailplanes. They come from all walks of life and share a common dream - to fly for fun! If that's your goal then you are likely a USUA member.
The Voice In American Ultralight Aviation
As the world's largest ultralight association, we help make playing in the air more fun, more exciting, more economical, and more accessible. USUA members seek to "Promote, Protect and Represent" ultralight and microlight aviation in the United States. With this support, USUA serves the interests of its members and the ultralight and microlight community.
Working for Pilots on National and Local Issues
No matter what ratings you hold, no matter what type of ultralight you fly, as a pilot in America you will face public policy issues and government regulations more often than the average citizen. And, often, your ability to fly can be affected!
USUA is working full-time to make sure pilots have their say. As a member, you have the nation's most active ultralight aviation advocates representing your interests year round in Washington, D.C. and before a broad range of government agencies, including FAA. USUA stands up for ultralight aviation on airspace restrictions, proposed certification of pilots and vehicles, unnecessary airworthiness requirements every vital issue facing ultralighters today.
USUA members have said over and over, loudly and clearly, that the current privileges under FAR Part 103 should be indefinitely maintained by FAA. On it's members behalf, USUA has taken this message to FAA and stood behind it during the ongoing FAA ultralight rulemaking project to protect the freedoms enjoyed by American ultralighters.
USUA's elected regional representatives keep states covered and monitor local communities, too. Whether it is a possible ban of ultralights at a local airport or the imposition of discriminatory or illegal fees, USUA protects and defends ultralight interests. Regional Representatives are hard working volunteers who devote their personal time and resources to help foster understanding and cooperation within their region.
- Street: P.O. Box 667
- Postcode: 21705
- City: Frederick
- State: MD
- Website: http://www.usua.com/