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idoodledu, inc.

About idoodledu, inc.
idoodledu, inc, a charitable non-profit 501(c)(3) organization, is a wholly owned subsidiary of idoodlelearning, inc., and was created in 2015 as a legal vehicle to bring public private partnerships and publicly funded programs to all learners and educators.
Kids are curious creatures. They want to play, tinker and discover. They crave new knowledge. They want to "get good" at things. We design and provide those opportunities. If students are equipped with the right knowledge, skills and tools, they become empowered to direct or change the trajectory of their own lives!
Our programs provide immersive, inquiry-based, and authentic learning experiences where students learn by doing and are challenged to apply and transfer their knowledge and skills to other contexts, situations or settings. We place a strong emphasis on the process of the development of critical, systems, design and creative thinking skills with every experience we design.
Our Flagship Student Program
idoodledu, inc, in partnership with NASA Goddard Space Flight Center’s Wallops Flight Facility, the Colorado Space Grant Consortium and Langley Research Center is offering Cubes in Space™, a program providing students 11-18 years of age an opportunity to design and compete to launch an experiment into space at no cost!
This Science, Technology, Engineering, Arts and Mathematics (STEAM) based global education program, enables students to learn about space exploration utilizing innovative problem-solving, inquiry-based learning methods. By participating in this program, students and educators are provided with engaging content and activities in preparation for the design and development of an experiment to be integrated into a small cube.
This year, experiments will be launched into space via sounding rocket from NASA Wallops Flight Facility on Wallops Island, Virginia in late June 2017 or on a high altitude balloon launched from the NASA Columbia Scientific Balloon Facility in Fort Sumner, New Mexico in August 2017.
- Street: 315 North Great Neck Road, Suite 116
- Postcode: 23454
- City: Virginia Beach
- State: VA
- Country: United States
- Telephone: 571.377.8754
- E-Mail: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
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