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Aerospace Industries Association

The Aerospace Industries Association (AIA) of America, Inc., based in Washington, DC, is the premier trade association representing the nation's manufacturers of commercial, military, and business aircraft, helicopters, aircraft engines, missiles, spacecraft, materiels, and related components and equipment.
Founded in 1919, AIA actively conveys industry goals and accomplishments and voices common concerns to Congress, relevant federal agencies, international organizations, news media, and the American public. The association provides an excellent forum for industry and government to exchange views and resolve issues on matters that relate to aerospace industries.
A Board of Governors, consisting of chief executive officers and other senior executives of member companies, guides AIA's activities. A hallmark of AIA is that it receives its leadership from the highest levels of the country's major aerospace companies.
We are entering an exciting and challenging era of global aerospace endeavor as we leave the first century of powered flight behind. The next 10 years offers the aerospace industry unprecendented opportunities to expand our horizons beyond anything we could have imagined a few years ago. Serving as the voice of our nation's premier aerospace manufacturers since 1919, AIA proudly represents the vital interests of this industry, not only to our nation, but also to the world at large.
AIA is committed to addressing a wide range of critical issues affecting the entire aerospace community. These range from near-term legislative and regulatory issues to more structural concerns that could take years to remedy.
We are experiencing tremendous change as our industry transitions from one driven by the challenges of the Cold War to an industry increasingly dependent upon access to the global economy. In order to make this transformation a successful one, the federal government must adopt a number of measures.
First, there is an urgent need to modernize the existing export control system and find new sources of funds for aerospace research and development. In addition, our industry must find ways to work closely with the government to reform the federal acquisition system and forge new relationships with international regulators. And last, but equally important, we must develop new strategies to define the aerospace products of the future and put America first in space technology.
With space-related business at the forefront of a new global marketplace, we are realizing a significant change in the way we do business. We can no longer be defined by where we've been; we need a vision of the world of tomorrow. Now, more than ever, AIA must serve as a bridge to that future. Our technological leadership among nations, our competitive role in the world economy, and even our national security are at stake without successful resolution of these issues.
Who will champion the cause? Visionaries who can see the world to come and who have the foresight to prepare us for tomorrow's uncharted territory. Leaders who aren't hesitant to use their voices and their energy. Strong companies ready to meet the needs of this critical aerospace market. People like you; people like us. Together we can shape a national paradigm that will call us to action and fuel our imagination with possibilities.
With your help, we can and will make an immeasurable contribution to the future stability and prosperity of our nation. We will protect America's aerospace industrial base.
- Street: 1000 Wilson Boulevard, Suite 1700
- Postcode: 22209-3901
- City: Arlington
- State: VA
- Telephone: 703-358-1000
- Website: