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For more than 65 years, the American Institute of Aeronautics and Astronautics (AIAA) and its predecessors, has been the principal society of the aerospace engineer and scientist. Officially formed in 1963 through a merger of the American Rocket Society (ARS) and the Institute of Aerospace Sciences (IAS), the purpose was, and still is, "to advance the arts, sciences, and technology of aeronautics and astronautics, and to promote the professionalism of those engaged in these pursuits." Both ARS and IAS brought to the relationship a long and eventful history stretching back to 1930 and 1932, respectively and each left its mark on the Institute. The merger combined the imaginative, opportunistic, and risk-taking desire of those rocket, missile, and space professionals with the more established, well-recognized achievers from the aviation community.
Today, with more than 31,000 members, AIAA is the world's largest professional society devoted to the progress of engineering and science in aviation, space, and defense. The Institute continues to be the principal voice, information resource, and publisher for aerospace engineers, scientists, managers, policymakers, students, and educators. Also, many prominent corporations and governments worldwide rely on AIAA as a stimulator of professional accomplishment in all areas related to aerospace. Consider this: Since 1963, AIAA members have achieved virtually every milestone in modern American flight.
Since publishing the first edition of the American Interplanetary Society's monthly Bulletin in June 1930, AIAA has earned an international reputation as the primary publisher of innovative aerospace literature, and the top resource for tapping into the industry's archives, dating back to the early 1900s. Over the past 65 years, AIAA and its predecessor organizations have published more than 350 books and 250,000 technical papers. Current publications include six journals, two magazines, more than 40 standards, an increasing number of electronic products, and a Web site.
The AIAA Difference
" World-class repository of published and electronic knowledge
" Catalyst for information flow and creative exchange through frequent forums
" Advocate for technological leadership - encouraging continued investment in the progress of aviation and space
" Support for the educational process that brings in future generations of professionals
" Leader for a strong and proactive international focus in the aerospace industry and link to the global community
" Developer of space-related standards and accredited by the American National Standards Institute (ANSI)
" 60-year tradition that continues to expand horizons and monitor changes in technologies, opportunities, and competitive challenges
- Street: 1801 Alexander Bell Dr., Suite 500
- Postcode: 20191-4344
- City: Reston
- State: VA
- Telephone: 703-264-7536
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