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Air Traffic Control Association

"...dedicated to progress in the science of air traffic control"
A lasting partnership... born of dedication and cooperation
Established in Washington, D.C. in 1956 by a group of air traffic controllers, the Air Traffic Control Association has been from the outset dedicated to progress in the science of air traffic control and the preservation of a safe flight environment. It provides a forum in which those concerned can address the myriad issues inherent to the development of viable air traffic control systems and aviation infrastructures, and the ever increasing demands on the global navigable airspace environment. Those in the aviation community; the providers of air traffic control, system architects, manufacturers, suppliers, system operators and users join together in ATCA to share their collective experience and knowledge, and efforts in pursuit of common goals. ATCA is unique in representing the broad spectrum of civil-military cooperation typical of global flying activities. Its Annual Technical Meetings and Exhibits feature the world's largest and most diverse display of aviation related technology. These events are attended by thousands of civilian and military members and representatives from around the world. ATCA also sponsors Technical Conferences and Symposia annually in Europe, the Pacific Rim and Latin America. The ATCA publications, The Journal of Air Traffic Control, Conference Technical "Proceedings", the Air Traffic Control Quarterly and the ATCA Bulletin, are prominent sources for the latest news and achievements in the field.
ATCA is a non-profit, non-government, professional organization. Membership is open to all who share a common interest in promoting and encouraging the advancement of aviation and air traffic control. The governing body is composed of representatives from all segments of the aviation community.
Objectives of the Air Traffic Control Association
As an independent, non-profit organization, ATCA is dedicated to the following objectives:
- Promoting, maintaining and enhancing the stature and well being of the Air Traffic Control profession and the aviation community.
- Developing and disseminating knowledge of the control of air traffic in all its phases and applications.
- Encouraging intelligent and honorable cooperation between all persons, parties and agencies interested in and concerned with the promotion and advancement of aviation and, in particular,the field of air traffic control.
- To serve as the forum for discussing issues and exchanging ideas on all matters pertaining to global airspace systems and flight safety.
- To serve as a catalyst to bring together those who use, develop, operate, maintain, supervise and manage the airspace systems of the world.
- To continue a public relations effort through participation in and with the media and aviation-related associations telling the story of the evolution of air traffic control systems and ATC to the community, its classrooms, civic organizations, airports,etc.
- To increase the level of operational and technical expertise within the Association through continued membership recruitment efforts.
- To promote the development and world-wide deployment of modern air traffic control technology and services.
- To support R&D activities leading to continued progress in the safety, efficiency and capacity of the aviation environment.
- To focus attention on the needs of users of air traffic control systems and to ensure these needs are fully understood, considered and accommodated in future air traffic control systems development.
- To attract, encourage and help sponsor the development of young people to enter the air traffic control profession.
- To respect the professional dignity of all persons and organizations interested in air traffic control, and to actively foster the involvement of women, minorities, the handicapped and disadvantaged in ATCA and aviation in general.
- Street: 2300 Clarendon Blvd
- Postcode: 22201
- City: Arlington
- State: VA
- Telephone: 703-522-5717
- Website: