At the 2009 annual meeting of the National Coalition for Aviation Education (NCAE) the membership voted to adopt the recommendation of the attendees at the 2009 Leadership Conference on Aviation and Space Education to change the organization's name.
Reflecting our broad mission supporting both aviation and aerospace education the new name chosen is the National Coalition for Aviation and Space Education (NCASE). Over the following year this name and the new NCASE logo was submitted to appropriate agencies and phased in to our websites and printed materials.
So - when you see NCAE think NCASE - and vice versa!
The long standing conference, the National Conference on Aviation and Space Education, known as NCASE, will be renamed as the NCASE Conference.
Members: to submit a news item, compose an email message with the subject line "NCASE NEWS ITEM," identify your member organization, then send it to This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.